The day has come. It is time for me to see my new gynecologist to get things checked out. I’ve prepared for my appointment by taking time to write out allll of my symptoms. I wrote down even symptoms that I don’t think are related to endometriosis because one thing I have learned up to this point is this disease affects the entire body. So I wrote away.

Her name was Alexis
A woman named Alexis reached out to me the other day. She wanted to learn about lifestyle changes she could make that would improve her hormonal balance. I looked through her chart and found this woman has endometriosis too. I was taken aback. She too was in her 30’s

“A white woman’s disease”
It has been said that endometriosis is “a white woman’s disease.” The disease of a white woman that is single, has no children, and with a career. You know why? Because it is a white woman who would be able to afford to be treated. I recently watched a documentary on endometriosis and a doctor bashfully admitted this is a phrase doctors would haphazardly throw around in the 70’s.

In search of some answers
I woke up this morning feeling so fatigued and kinda in pain. Well,maybe discomfort is a better word. I had planned to get up and read for a bit before work, but I felt too exhausted and just not ready to start my day so I allowed myself to sleep for another hour.